The Three Stooges’ N’yuk N’yuk N’yams

As a major Three Stooges fan, I was so excited to be part of an episode of Karie Bible’s Hollywood Kitchen that was one for the ages!

In this special episode of Hollywood Kitchen, Karie was inspired by a recipe from The Official Three Stooges Cookbook, entitled “N’yuk N’yuk N’yams.” I was invited to participate, as well as author Rick Greene, who graciously offered up his kitchen for the event and showcased his wonderful collection of Stooge-related memorabilia.

To make things extra wonderful, Karie reached out to Bradley Server–also known as “Curly G.”–with the “G” standing for “Grandson.”

Server is the youngest grandson of Curly Howard and carries on his legacy of laughter with a hilarious YouTube channel, with which I was familiar. Server was happy to join the fun and even brought along some meaningful mementos of Howard as well as many wonderful stories and anecdotes regarding the continuation of the Stooge legacy.

In the Stoogiest way possible, the episode ended with a ceremonial pie-in-the-face, doled out by yours truly.

For pictures of the final product, visit the Hollywood Kitchen page here. (They were delicious and done entirely on the stove!)

Additionally, look for Greene’s books! He has one about Henry Brandon that is already available and another about Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, slated to hit the shelves in April 2022.

Be sure to check out Curly G.’s YouTube channel here.

View this fabulous Hollywood Kitchen episode here and visit the Hollywood Kitchen YouTube channel for more cooking fun!

N’yuk n’yuk n’yuk!!!