Wicked Becomes Her

Bette Davis was one of classic Hollywood’s most popular leading ladies with a lengthy career. The latter entries to her filmography are also quite interesting and varied including films such as What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) and Wicked Stepmother (1989), bringing horror into Davis’ output.

Wicked Becomes Her: Bette Davis and the Story Behind ‘Wicked Stepmother’ by John William Law offers an interesting discussion of Davis’ later film career, with a focus on her walking off the set of Wicked Stepmother. Though she died months after the film was released and the film was completed without her, it was her final screen appearance and became connected with Davis as a result.

Wicked Becomes Her: Bette Davis and the Story Behind ‘Wicked Stepmother’ is recommended to fans of Davis’ films and the horror genre.

Wicked Becomes Her: Bette Davis and the Story Behind ‘Wicked Stepmother’ is available for purchase via Aplomb Publishing.