Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin was undoubtedly a master of comedy, inspiring many future comedians and entertaining audiences all over the world. H was experienced in stage performance and also worked through the transition from the Silent Era in films to the incorporation of sound. Chaplin could also offer films and performances that were deeply dramatic and emotional in addition to films featuring a light, slapstick comedy flare.

John W. Fawell’s Charlie Chaplin: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works offers a thorough and thoughtful listing of Chaplin’s works, in addition to providing descriptions and commentary on each entry. Chaplin contributed a massive body of work to the film industry and Fawell succeeds in documenting and analyzing these moments in Chaplin’s career. Fans of Chaplin and early comedy are sure to enjoy this reference guide, handy to look up individual titles and learn more about them.

Charlie Chaplin: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works is available for purchase via Roman & Littlefield.