The Hollywood Motion Picture Blacklist

The Hollywood Blacklist stigmatized many individuals employed in the filmmaking industry and beyond, ruining lives and careers and curbing creativity. Though the Hollywood Blacklist was actively harming careers seventy-five years ago, its impacts are still studied to this day.

Larry Ceplair’s The Hollywood Motion Picture Blacklist: Seventy-Five Years Later discusses the history and impact of the Hollywood Blacklist, including discussions of the Hollywood Ten and the effects of graylisting. Ceplair’s book is informed by previously published works about the Blacklist, in addition to exploring Jewish identity in conjunction with anti-Communism. Ceplair also brings about intriguing discussions of examining the consequences of cooperation with the House Committee versus joining the Blacklist.

The Hollywood Motion Picture Blacklist: Seventy-Five Years Later is available for purchase via the University Press of Kentucky.