Ava Gardner’s Blueberry Buckle

Inspired by my recent trip to Ava Gardner’s hometown, the Ava Gardner Museum, and a surplus of blueberries in my fridge, I decided to take on making Ava Gardner’s blueberry buckle. Karie Bible at Hollywood Kitchen recreated this recipe along with Lora Stocker as her special guest. I highly recommend checking out their episode and the full recipe here.

A great way to use up some summer berries, the blueberry buckle is a hearty treat to enjoy. I used a 7×11 pan and it yielded plenty of servings to share, in addition to the delight of my kitchen smelling fantastic.

The final product was delicious! I’d recommend serving it with ice cream on a hot day, if you would like. As you can see, an impatient little mouse (by the name of yours truly) got to the buckle before snapping a photo.

My puppy, Hoagy, was highly intrigued, as well.

All in all, I would definitely recommend giving this dessert a try! It was very easy to make and the lovely blueberry flavor is the star of the show here.