Immortal Films

Casablanca (1942) celebrates its 80th anniversary this year and continues to entertain audiences to this day. A notable classic Hollywood film and romance, the film has enchanted viewers all over the world and across multiple generations.

Barbara Klinger’s Immortal Films: Casablanca and the Afterlife of a Hollywood Classic delves into the history of Casablanca and its circulation through different mediums, including radio, theatre, television, video, and streaming. Her book functions as a single-film survey, exploring the meaning and reputation of the film over the years.

Moreover, Klinger offers new approaches to the films history and achievements, in connection with its existence, accessibility, and endurance. Klinger relies upon archival materials, trade journals, and interviews to offer a thoughtful examination of this lasting classic.

Immortal Films: Casablanca and the Afterlife of a Hollywood Classic is available for purchase via the University of California Press.