The Fixer

There’s nothing quite like a happy Hollywood ending, but a darker side to the movie capital of America certainly existed during the Golden Age of Hollywood, as Josh Young and Manfred Westphal discuss in The Fixer: Moguls, Mobster, Movie Stars, and Marilyn.

This book delves into the story of Fred Otash, a private detective and “fixer to the stars.” It relies upon Otash’s investigative files and personal archives to inform and entertain readers. Otash’s story would go on to inspire private eye film characters portrayed in Chinatown (1974) and L.A. Confidential (1997). Among other Hollywood elites, Otash had personal connections to Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, and more.

The Fixer: Moguls, Mobster, Movie Stars, and Marilyn is available for purchase via Grand Central Publishing starting on April 16, 2024.